Monday, February 19, 2007

Jo's Recipe Of The Month - Hot & Juicy

We're almost finished with February, and I don't know about you, but I'll be glad to see this wet and windy misery of a month come to close. It has been a time where coughs and sneezes, cooped up crotchety kids & endless washing cycles have had me hanging onto all those little tricks we use to keep ourselves energised. I've found myself saying out aloud this snippet of a poem that helps keep me sane.

The things that haven’t been done before
Are the tasks worth while to-day;
Are you one of the flock that follows, or
Are you one that shall lead the way?
Are you one of the timid souls that quail
At the jeers of a doubting crew,
Or dare you, whether you win or fail,
Strike out for a goal that’s new?

Well our new goal, in case you didn't know, is to open our second shop at Blackwater by the end of March. We intend to have a small coffee shop and eatery on site so you can sample some of our fab pastries, breads, soups and other goodies.

I'm heading off to Hampshire soon to do some market research on farm shops and see what ideas are out there that might work well for On The Table and our customers. In the meantime, try this "pick-me-up" to get the juices flowing.



1 apple, peeled and quartered
12oz squash or pumpkins
1/2 small chili or chili powder
1 handful of lamb's lettuce
small slice of fresh ginger (optional)

Whizz or juice together in a blender, add a little water if required and enjoy the shot!

Jo xx

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